Unveiling the Triad: Exploring the Intersection of Frailty, Sarcopenia, and Osteoporosis.
thursday 14 september 2023, 12:00PM AEST
The Presenters:
Professor Itamar Levinger- Clinical Exercise Physiologist and the Leader of the Bone-Muscle Interaction Research Group, Institute for Health and Sport (IHES), Victoria University
Dr Peggy Cawthon- Scientific Director of the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute
Dr Jesse Zanker- Geriatrician with Western Health Melbourne, Aboriginal Community Elders Services, and Echuca Regional Health.
Teamwork makes dream work: A case study of multidisciplinary care in sarcopenia and frailty
Thursday 8 December 2022, 4:00pm AEDT
This event involved an expert panel of clinician-researchers discussing the management of a real-world case study, showcasing the importance of multidisciplinary care in the acute and community management of sarcopenia and frailty.
The panel:
Dr Jesse Zanker - Geriatrician
Dr Kate Fetterplace - Dietitian
Steven Phu - Exercise Physiologist
Elsie Mari - Nurse Practitioner
Sarah Wilkinson - Pharmacist
Dr Jennifer Jones - Physiotherapist
Dr Mark Thompson - Occupational Therapist
Marianna Harland - Social Worker
Thomas Wilson - Speech Pathologist
2022 Conference
5th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Sarcopenia and Frailty Research: Mechanisms, Measurement & Management
7-9 July 2022| Brisbane
The 5th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Sarcopenia and Frailty Research was held from 7th-9th July 2022 at the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane.
It was was a multi-disciplinary meeting that brought together basic scientists and clinicians from exercise physiology, physiotherapy, nutrition, medicine, nursing, epidemiology, health economics and public health. Sarcopenia and frailty are potentially devastating conditions that affect many people globally and present a major challenge to the functional independence and quality of life of our older population. The theme of this year’s meeting was ‘Mechanisms, Measurement and Management’. Our innovative and dynamic program showcased new knowledge on how these conditions originate, and how they can be measured and managed in clinical settings.
New additions this year included pre-conference workshops and a clinical update on Thursday evening, open to a wider group of clinicians. Speakers included local and international experts, emerging researchers and participants from across the research and practice spectrum. Our scientific program included ample opportunities for delegates to submit abstracts for oral presentations, ECR awards and virtual poster sessions.
ANZSSFR & CSANZ Sarcopenia, Frailty & Cardiovascular Disease Free Webinar
thursday 5 May 2022 | 5:30PM AEST
Speakers: Prof. Stephan von Haehling, Dr. Ayse Zengin, A/Prof. Caleb Ferguson & A/Prof. Joshua Lewis.
ANZSSFR Free Webinar
thursday 4 november 2021 | 6:00PM AEST
Professor Maria Fiatarone Singh- Exercise for frail older people.
Professor Gordon Lynch- The future of muscle health beyond activity and nutrition.
ANZSSFR World Sarcopenia Day Symposium
MONDAY 5 JULY 2021 | 3:00PM-5:30PM AEST
The ANZSSFR World Sarcopenia Day Symposium was presented by the Early- and Mid-Career Researchers and clinicians (EMCR) committee. The 4th of July is World Sarcopenia Day and therefore we dedicated this symposium to highlight this special day. We had an exciting online program including presentations from EMCRs across the world and the outcomes of the Delphi Process on Sarcopenia Diagnosis and Management, led by EMCRs David Scott and Jesse Zanker.
During this symposium, the outcomes of the Delphi process were shared for the first time. This was an important step to standardise sarcopenia diagnosis and management across Australia and New Zealand. We saw experts and consumers attending this symposium who participated in this Delphi process, as their input was valuable to the outcomes. We hope that the outcomes can be implemented into research and clinical practice in Australia and New Zealand.
Asia Pacific Virtual Symposium on Sarcopenia and Frailty Research
Saturday 22 May 2021 | 1:00PM–4:30PM AEST
The Asia Pacific Virtual Symposium on Sarcopenia and Frailty Research was co-organised by the Asian Association for Frailty and Sarcopenia and the Australian and New Zealand Society for Sarcopenia and Frailty Research. This free symposium adopted a holistic approach brought together clinical, basic and translational researchers, clinicians, allied healthcare professionals and service providers in the disciplines of sarcopenia, falls, frailty, osteoporosis, exercise and nutrition.
This event provided cross-fertilisation of ideas and networking opportunities, with the aim to develop better approaches for identifying, preventing and treating these conditions for the older patients.
Experts in the field joined early and mid-career researchers to review and discuss the most current data on sarcopenia and frailty.
Implications of COVID-19 on sarcopenia and frailty: Looking back to move forward
virtual symposium | thursday 12 nov 2020
ANZSSFR was pleased to present the first of a series of online virtual symposia/webinars that will cover a range of ‘hot’ topic matters related to sarcopenia, frailty and related musculoskeletal conditions.
Our first event featured Professor Matteo Cesari from Università di Milano, Italy and Professor Andrea Maier from the University of Melbourne/Royal Melbourne Hospital along with three local allied health professionals. Dr Clint Miller (exercise physiologist), Kate Fetterplace (dietitian) and Lisa Beach (physiotherapist) shared their experiences of working with older people during COVID-19 and the implications for sarcopenia and frailty.
The Next Generation in Sarcopenia & Frailty Research
virtual symposium | saturday 8 august 2020
Presented by the ANZSSFR Early and Mid-Career Researcher and Clinicians Committee, this was a free virtual symposium showcasing work conducted by ECMRs and three keynote speakers.
Keynote speakers included Professor Debra Waters (Challenges of treating sarcopenic-obesity), Professor Gordon Lynch (Promoting science communication), and Professor Susan Kurrle (Approaches to the management of frailty).
2019 Conference
22-23 november 2018 | sydney, australia
The 4th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Sarcopenia and Frailty Research was held at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney. The theme for the meeting was “Sarcopenia, Falls and Frailty: Everybody’s Business”.
The aim of this meeting was to take a holistic approach and bring together clinical, basic and translational researchers, clinicians, allied healthcare professionals and service providers in the disciplines of sarcopenia, falls, frailty, osteoporosis, exercise and nutrition, to provide cross-fertilisation of ideas and networking opportunities, with the aim to develop better approaches for identifying, preventing and treating these conditions for our older patients.
This was a multi-disciplinary meeting involving scientists and clinicians from basic sciences, exercise physiology, physiotherapy, nutrition, medicine, nursing, epidemiology, health economics, and public health.
Conference Manager: The Meeting People
2018 Conference
23-25 November 2018 | dunedin, new zealand
The 2018 Annual Conference was held at St David Theatre Complex, University of Otago, in Dunedin, New Zealand. It showcased international speakers, new research, emerging researchers, and provided time to network with colleagues to share ideas and explore collaborations. The abstracts were published in a special issue of the Australasian Journal of Ageing.
This national conference was multi-disciplinary in nature and attracted scientists and clinicians from multiple disciplines including medicine, epidemiology, exercise physiology, nutrition, basic sciences and body composition measurement and methodologies.
Conference Manager: The Meeting People
2017 Conference
24-25 November 2017 | adelaide, south australia
The conference was held at the Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences Building, The University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia.
Conference Manager: The Meeting People

2016 Inaugural Conference
11-12 november 2016 | melbourne, victoria
The inaugural conference was held at Pullman Melbourne Albert Park in Melbourne, Victoria.
Conference Manager: The Meeting People