Benefits of Membership

Being a member of the ANZSSFR enables more positive contact with other societies and facilitates reaching out to others. Benefits include:

  • anzssfr virtual symposium / webinars

    All members will have free access to ANZSSFR run online virtual symposia / webinars.

  • Networking

    We are the only Society in Australia and New Zealand fully dedicated to  the promotion of clinical, basic and translational research on sarcopenia and frailty. We are also in charge of lobbying our government and health systems to integrate sarcopenia and frailty in clinical practice and health policies. Our annual meeting is an excellent opportunity to network and interact with other members sharing similar research interests.

  • International links

    We have strong links with the International Conference on Sarcopenia and Frailty Research (travel grants and discounts are being negotiated). We are also in close integration with the Asian Society for Sarcopenia and Frailty Research.

  • Discounts

    Society members receive discounted pricing on our events and professional development programs.

  • Exclusive access

    Society members receive access to exclusive events and career resources.

  • Education

    Members have exclusive access to our education materials, which will are being developed in collaboration with members of the Society who are also leaders in the field.

  • Professional Development

    Society members can take advantage of career development conferences, job listings, and mentor programs designed for career advancement.   

  • Volunteering

    Society members may participate as members of Council, committee chairpersons and committee volunteers. 

  • Voting Rights

    Regular society members are entitled to attend and vote at general and extraordinary meetings of the Society.

  • Scholarships, Seed Grants & Travel Grants

    Society members are eligible for seed grants, scholarships and travel grants.

  • Consensus conferences

    Several consensus conferences on sarcopenia and frailty are being organised by the Society. Members are invited to participate at this important events.

  • Publications & electronic Bulletins

    All members shall receive our electronic bulletin, Sarxs, and a copy of the Society's publications.

  • Abstract submission

    Every member shall have the right to submit abstracts of papers to the councillors for consideration of their presentation at Society meetings.